50 Best things to do in Paris
Content : 7 gardens, 13 monuments, 16 museum, 3 special activities, 12 walks, 3 shops, 2 theme parcs, 23 free activities, list of cheap accomodation and hotels.

Taxis and Uber in Paris comparison
Help for Airport transfer from Roissy and Orly to Paris city center. Tips on saving on your taxi cost and travel safely in Paris.
20 mistakes to avoid at Disneyland Paris
All the tips and advice to visit Disneyland Paris the best way possible.

What to do at Disneyland Paris? Full guide
All 52 activities and roller coasters rated, height limits, location and videos.

Guide to visit Disneyland Paris
Best day plan + Maps + Restaurants + Tips to save time and money!

How to visit France and Paris with the Covid rules?
Guide about the French Health Pass or “Pass Sanitaire”, Where is it necessary? How to get it? Places for testing and prices.

The Mont Saint Michel
What to visit inside and near the Mont Saint Michel in France? 21 places to see.